Wednesday 26 October 2011

Changing my last name?

I was curious how to change my last name, Its a long story on why i want it changed, Its not dramatized or exaggerated and im sure i want it changed without regrets. I also want to change my first name in the future but i want my last name done first. My father, Was a abusive alcoholic. I have his last name. Everybody in that family is racist and drunk/abusive. I lived with them for 5 years until a horrible night came. Would rather not discuss, Can i change my last name to anything? Or must it be somebody related to me? How much will this cost and a time estimate? Also when changing my first name how long does the process take and for how much?

Im 16, I want to get it done before i turn 18. So when im 18 i dont have all that confusion running around.

And before i have about 30 people going into my business, My mom agrees with me. She's actually the one who told me to look it up, Yet google wouldn't tell me anything. Im not married.

I will be giving best answer. Thank you :)
Changing my last name?
Changing your name is an easy process

Just to go to your local court and file some paperwork, they'll walk you through it.

Costs anywhere from $200 - $500 depending on the county in which you reside.
Changing my last name?
Your probably to young to get married, so why not take your mothers last name. The 1st thing i would do is e-mail my state attorney general and inquire