Saturday 4 June 2011

New owner keeps previous owners business name?

i have a friend who%26#039;s father owned a business. a bar. then it was sold to another owner. the father is now deceased as of a month and a half ago. the new owner kept the title name of the bar. is there any way legally to force the new owner to change the name? i mean even though there are several bars across the us with the same name? how do you go about it legally?|||If the business was sold with the name I would think that the new owner has a right to use the name as well.|||Tough go, unless the name was protected by the original owner. Dig up a copy of the transfer papers and see if this point was covered.|||That%26#039;s a tough one. The contract of sale should be reviewed to see if there was any mention of %26quot;intellectual property.%26quot; I%26#039;d also recommend that your friend contact a trademark attorney to discuss this matter.

Hope that helps!