Saturday 4 June 2011

Do men ever change their last name to their newly wed wife's last name?

And how come women have to change their last name to their newly wed husband%26#039;s last name? Is it like in the olden days when they believed that men owned their women and women were just considered their property? I know some wedded couples who didn%26#039;t change any of their names, but their children%26#039;s last name still falls under the father. It takes two to tango, so why not have the child take the mother%26#039;s name? What%26#039;s with all this name changing business anyway?|||Do it, that%26#039;s hot.|||I agree. It%26#039;s bullshit. Men are considered superior to women and until women wake up and demand respect it%26#039;s always going to be like that. Notice also when women get married they go from Miss So-and-so to Mrs. So-and-so almost like the world needs to know they are taken. Men don%26#039;t change from Mr. after they get married. Wtf?|||Very interesting point, I plan on having my husband change his last name to mine. If he loves me enough to marry me, he%26#039;d do that for me.|||i wish i knew. I tried to name my daughter after my maiden name and they said since we were married and i was going by his last name that my daughter would have to also. I really wanted at least one of my kids to carry on my last name but i guess not.|||Changing names is old fashioned. Double barrel your names as compromise.|||Sounds like you don%26#039;t like your fiances last name, make sure you tell him. Lol. This all originates from the Bible when God called their (Adam and Eve%26#039;s) name Adam. If you don%26#039;t want to change your last name, then don%26#039;t. But if you want a man to follow you, God didn%26#039;t intend for a marriage to function like that and at the end you will dispise your husband for not having a backbone!|||I don%26#039;t plan on changing my last name, it takes too much work, changing licenses and things like that, but if I did I would keep mine and hyphen it with my husband%26#039;s...I do plan on if I ever have a child for him or her to have both of our last names, because we both helped make the child.

But it%26#039;s really up to whatever you feel comfortable with. Some people like following traditions and others don%26#039;t really find it that important. I would never just drop my last name, even though I don%26#039;t really like it, it%26#039;s apart of who I am, I don%26#039;t feel I have to drop part of my identity just because I%26#039;m getting married.