Saturday 4 June 2011

How did you or will you register your name-change?

Anyone ever try the site It%26#039;s supposed to be fast and easy when submitting your name change to businesses, the IRS, Social Security, etc. It completes the forms for you and then when you print them out, you mail them in to the respected addresses with the fees each business requests. Sounds simple...!!

Anyone else do it or plan on doing it a different way?

Thank you!!|||I would not recommend doing that. The social security office has to see a certified copy of your marriage license. I simply took my marriage license along with birth certificate and divorce papers from my first marriage to to social security office myself, and it took about 10 minutes. After the social security office I went to the DMV and had a new drivers license made. After these two things are done everything else pretty much falls into place. Congratulations on your upcoming marriage!!!!!|||I think to would be cheaper to do it yourself, most places don%26#039;t charge you a fee to change your name with them|||DO NOT USE ANY WEBSITE TO CHANGE YOUR NAME! Take your marriage certificate and birth certificate and or SS card to the SS office and they%26#039;ll help you ... the whole process takes about ten minutes at most. The IRS is then informed of your name change when you file your first tax return. Anything else, you simply %26#039;tell people%26#039; your name has changed. There are NO FORMS except an extremely simple one to fill out for the SS name change, and that should be done at the SS office and nowhere else. NEVER EVER put your SS number onto the Internet ... It is far too precious a number and the Internet is NOT a place it should go, even a %26#039;totally secure site.%26#039;|||Do not give your social security number to any website! Even if the business is honest, you don%26#039;t know how secure their computer system is. Avoid identity theft by keeping your ss# close to the vest.

Also, IMO unless you%26#039;re Oprah, it%26#039;s ridiculous to give someone a fee to do this when it%26#039;s easy to do yourself.|||go to your SS office|||DO NOT GIVE THAT KIND OF INFORMATION, ESPECIALLY YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER AND IRS INFO, OUT ON SOME SITE! You cannot do all of the name-change stuff by mail, I don%26#039;t care what they say! You have to go to the DMV and Social Security office in person, your bank and most of your utilities want to see your marriage certificate in person, too. Especially in this age of identity theft. Here%26#039;s a what-to-do link;鈥?/a>

Here%26#039;s a link to a free name-change kit, though you REALLY don%26#039;t need it. It doesn%26#039;t take long to fill out the paperwork in the offices, and then you know it%26#039;s the right paperwork;

I believe that the IRS is taken care of by changing your name on your Social Security card, but you can always check.

Some things, like grocery store and movie rental cards, can be done by phone. Most of my utilities, including cable, required a personal visit. Sprint let me do it by phone, as did a job-search website. My college transcripts required an in-person visit, as did my business license.

How do you keep track of companies that change both their stock symbol and their name at the same time?

Is there an official publicly accessible database that you can check online? I have a list of stock symbols. I have like 1000-2000 stock symbols, and very often the symbols change. Sometimes a company just %26quot;disappears.%26quot; I don%26#039;t know why they do that. The company stays in business, but it changes its name and symbol. Can I get notified about these changes when they happen?

I know I could keep track of the changes if I bought 1 share of every stock, because then I would see all these stocks in my portfolio, and they couldn%26#039;t escape from me no matter how hard they try, BUT... I don%26#039;t have the money to do that. There must be a cheaper way. (?)|||This is fairly difficult. I have a few solutions for you, but none are optimal. If you had a professional tool like Bloomberg or Factset, you could do something more automated, but these are certainly not free.


(1) Load your entire list of names you follow into a portfolio into something like with one share each. (You don%26#039;t have to buy anything!) When there is a split, a name change, a ticker change, etc, it will give you an alert like %26quot;[alert]Alert: A split, merger or similar event has occurred.%26quot; with a button to press that will show you the name changes, ticker changes, etc

Other services where you might load your portfolio would give a new story item for a name change / symbol change. Some inexpensive pay service such as might work nice for this, as you can set up email alterts, etc.

(2) Look up sp500, sp400, sp600 changes are here:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

These 1500 companies might or might not cover all your names.


Just a note on why name changes, cusip changes, etc - usually it is a merger or acquisition for a name change. Sometimes it is because a company has been delisted or is delinquent in filing its financial statements. (more here:鈥?/a> ) The cusip (a 9-digit identifier) changes even more often, when there is a split, etc.

Hope that helps!

New owner keeps previous owners business name?

i have a friend who%26#039;s father owned a business. a bar. then it was sold to another owner. the father is now deceased as of a month and a half ago. the new owner kept the title name of the bar. is there any way legally to force the new owner to change the name? i mean even though there are several bars across the us with the same name? how do you go about it legally?|||If the business was sold with the name I would think that the new owner has a right to use the name as well.|||Tough go, unless the name was protected by the original owner. Dig up a copy of the transfer papers and see if this point was covered.|||That%26#039;s a tough one. The contract of sale should be reviewed to see if there was any mention of %26quot;intellectual property.%26quot; I%26#039;d also recommend that your friend contact a trademark attorney to discuss this matter.

Hope that helps!

Change the way your name shows up when responding to e-mail?

I have a business running out of the home. I chose an e-mail address which has the business name in it, however, when I respond to an inquiry my real name shows up instead of the business name. How do I change this?|||Open your email, click on Options (upper right corner). In Management column click on General Preferences. Change your name.|||I don%26#039;t know, I was hoping somebody had already answered your question. I sure hope you find out cause mine on yahoo does the same thing and it drives me nuts.. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

I need to change my name on the review i submitted on a business?

when i did hte review i spelled my name wrong, and the business called me telling me it was wrong and now i need to go in and change it but i can%26#039; t figure out how??|||what program did you use?|||the program i used was on yahoo locals

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Changing a business name?

I have a business. I%26#039;ve had it for over 13 years. The business has diversified over many years and having the original business name doesn%26#039;t cover all of my services and products that I sell. I have a new business name in mind that will do this.

Any tips on how to go about making a smooth transition to a new business name, How to re-brand to the new business name, how to build awareness so that customers don%26#039;t forget the original brand/services and products sold. I would love to hear your opinions and thoughts...thanks.|||Try to work the new name in with the old name. Keep the new name first, but keep the old name until the new name appears to be recognized. Also, definitely do some promoting about the name change, highlighting the new services and letting customers know that the change is for the better and that you will be offering more services.

Do men ever change their last name to their newly wed wife's last name?

And how come women have to change their last name to their newly wed husband%26#039;s last name? Is it like in the olden days when they believed that men owned their women and women were just considered their property? I know some wedded couples who didn%26#039;t change any of their names, but their children%26#039;s last name still falls under the father. It takes two to tango, so why not have the child take the mother%26#039;s name? What%26#039;s with all this name changing business anyway?|||Do it, that%26#039;s hot.|||I agree. It%26#039;s bullshit. Men are considered superior to women and until women wake up and demand respect it%26#039;s always going to be like that. Notice also when women get married they go from Miss So-and-so to Mrs. So-and-so almost like the world needs to know they are taken. Men don%26#039;t change from Mr. after they get married. Wtf?|||Very interesting point, I plan on having my husband change his last name to mine. If he loves me enough to marry me, he%26#039;d do that for me.|||i wish i knew. I tried to name my daughter after my maiden name and they said since we were married and i was going by his last name that my daughter would have to also. I really wanted at least one of my kids to carry on my last name but i guess not.|||Changing names is old fashioned. Double barrel your names as compromise.|||Sounds like you don%26#039;t like your fiances last name, make sure you tell him. Lol. This all originates from the Bible when God called their (Adam and Eve%26#039;s) name Adam. If you don%26#039;t want to change your last name, then don%26#039;t. But if you want a man to follow you, God didn%26#039;t intend for a marriage to function like that and at the end you will dispise your husband for not having a backbone!|||I don%26#039;t plan on changing my last name, it takes too much work, changing licenses and things like that, but if I did I would keep mine and hyphen it with my husband%26#039;s...I do plan on if I ever have a child for him or her to have both of our last names, because we both helped make the child.

But it%26#039;s really up to whatever you feel comfortable with. Some people like following traditions and others don%26#039;t really find it that important. I would never just drop my last name, even though I don%26#039;t really like it, it%26#039;s apart of who I am, I don%26#039;t feel I have to drop part of my identity just because I%26#039;m getting married.

I'm a sole proprietorship - how can I change my business address?

Yes, I have no clue what I%26#039;m talking about. I hate business. I filed a DBA a few years ago so I could buy supplies wholesale. But now I%26#039;ve moved, AND want to change the business name. And I have no clue how to do it. Can somebody help me?!|||You just need to file a change of address at the license office, as well as the post office. You will also need to note the new address on you income tax forms.

Do men ever change their last name to their newly wed wife's last name?

And how come women have to change their last name to their newly wed husband%26#039;s last name? Is it like in the olden days when they believed that men owned their women and women were just considered their property? I know some wedded couples who didn%26#039;t change any of their names, but their children%26#039;s last name still falls under the father. It takes two to tango, so why not have the child take the mother%26#039;s name? What%26#039;s with all this name changing business anyway?

I%26#039;d change my last name to my wife%26#039;s last name if I get married, only because my last name is too damn hard to pronounce and it sounds nothing like it%26#039;s spelled. It would make it a whole lot easier on myself, haha.|||Yes, men that have balls to not care what other people think do it.|||Yes, in some countries it is traditional for each spouse to pick up part of their spouse%26#039;s name.

Two (married) noble prize winners:

Frederick Joliet-Curie

Marie Curie-Joliet

A girl I knew in high school still goes by her maiden name, even in the phone book, and public appearances.

If you are concerned about legalities, contact an attorney.|||Not that I know of. Women don%26#039;t have to change their names. I didn%26#039;t. About a child carrying the father%26#039;s last name. It%26#039;s just the way it%26#039;s done. My child has her father%26#039;s last name. And I wouldn%26#039;t want her to have my last name. That would be like saying the father refused to recognize her. And I am not the kind of woman who would tolerate such a thing.|||In a patriarchal society (like ours), marriage would mean that the bride is getting into the family of the groom. It%26#039;s not the other way around.

Hence, the newly-wedded wife is expected to use the surname of her husband as an indication that she is submitting herself into the family of her husband. The children would also use the surname of their father to indicate that they belong to his family.

How to start trading after bankrupcy / e.g name change?

WHAT ARE THE RULES ? DO I TRADE WITH SAME NAME OR A NEW BUSINESS NAME ? CANT SEEM TO GET ANSWERS , ANY ADVICE WELCOME|||First ports of call for this sort of specific advice would be:

1) Business Debtline - a charity who provide free %26amp; impartial advice on money issues to do with your business 0800 197 6027

2) Business Link - speak to an adviser with your local business link to ask all the questions you want answering, a Government organisation %26amp; again a free service鈥?/a>

3) the Lawyers For Your Business scheme from the Law Society - a network of 1,000 solicitor firms in England and Wales offering specialist advice to small and medium-sized businesses. fees may apply but you%26#039;ll be getting professional Specialist legal advice which could be invaluable to you鈥?/a>

I hope all goes well, and don%26#039;t let one set back stop you from succeeding!

Rebecca|||In the UK while bankrupt you must not trade under a different name than the one you were made bankrupt under.

If you live in England and Wales and you need advice on the bankruptcy process you can use the site below|||new time, new name, new beginning.

I am a small business and want to change my name?

i want to change the name of my business since i am going to add a new co owner my brother i am a contruction company here in phoenix az when i change the since is going to be two persons is it going to change by itself to corporation or do i need to file a paper if yes where and how can i filed it and how much it cost and can i do all things online also change the name in the az register of contractors|||YOu cannot simply %26quot;be%26quot; a corporation and change the name. You must %26quot;Incorporate%26quot; your company and file the %26quot;incorporation%26quot; papers. A lawyer can help you with that.

As is, you may want to continue your business with the current name as changing the name may cost you more in the long run. If you are going to be partners, you should also sign a partnership agreement spelling out iin detail what each is going to do and what monies each will garner from any jobs.|||hermanos construction|||jsut change it|||The business you want is partnership, yes you have to fill up a new application form go to s.e.c( security and exchange commission) to grant certification of incorporation for new business you applying for....or for more information regarding this go and look to their website to verify and to clarify the business you want to move on, And the cost is a little bit higher but affordable.

How to change the owner name of a business?

I have a friend that has a business and the owner will be leaving the country. How do they change the owner name to my friend%26#039;s name? what does she need to do?|||The current owner can do that by contacting the Secretary of State if this is a Corporation, LLC or LLP. If it is a sole proprietor, they can file a change with the town or county tax office where they filed their assumed name certificate.|||Tell your friend to go to Commercial Chambers office in your area and get formalities done with a small fees.

How can I verify that my business name has changed?

Following the instructions on using the article %26quot;How to Change the Name on a Federal EIN%26quot; , I sent a letter to the IRS indicating that my business name and address has changed. I sent this letter to the nearest IRS office since I have not yet needed to file a tax return (business has not yet had any financial activity to report). At any rate, I was wondering if there are any IRS agents out there that might know how I can verify if the name has been changed. Does the IRS send a confirmation letter back once the name / address change has been made? Is there somewhere on the IRS website where I can search to see if the name has officially changed? At any rate, any insight someone could give on the matter would be much appreciated. Searching the internet there is surprisingly little information on this subject.|||IRS is not the business to change your business name. Your business name needs to be registered thru the city or the state. IRS tracks your business by business tax ID which doesn%26#039;t change regardless of the name unless the nature of your business changes.

How do I change my user name on facebook but keep the same email address?

I had opened up a facebook account that I never used with my own name, and the email address of my business. Since then I opened a different personal account using my home email. Now I want to open a page for my business to announce a promotion that will only be happening another 15 days. I deleted that account, but it says it will still be around for 14 days. When I try to open a new facebook page with my businesses name, it says that there is already an email address associated with that account, and won%26#039;t let me do it. Is there any way around this?|||When you are logged in and on your main page:

Click %26quot;Account%26quot;

Click %26quot;Name%26quot;

Click %26quot;Change%26quot; or %26quot;Edit%26quot; I can%26#039;t remember which right now.

I would like to change my name for personal & business reasons.?

Hi, I would like to inquire information on a name change I%26#039;m 22 years old and I%26#039;d like to change my name for both personal and business reasons.

I%26#039;d like to change my last name to my grandmothers name but she had passed away in the late 80%26#039;s I%26#039;ve asked my father for permission and he said no, without giving me a reason why, I suppose that I do understand that I%26#039;m his son and he wants me to keep my name but I have never liked my name and always wanted my grandmothers last name for quite sometime now. + I%26#039;m involved with the entertainment business and I would like to take on this name and be known by it personally and professionally.

could I start using as common use the name I want as common usage, I%26#039;m into music management i do a lot of stuff online and work for a well established promotions company I myself do not have to sign any documents since I refer new clients threw online, But eventually I%26#039;ll be relocating to new york and I will have to start signing stuff.

I%26#039;m from Massachusetts and would like to know if anyone has any tips on how I could go about a name change, I%26#039;m very serious about doing this.

I appreciate any feedback!

Thank you!|||You can get the information, legal name change forms, and filing instructions you need in order to legally change your name at the website below.

I want to Change the name of my small bussiness How do I do that?

I want to simplify my Small Business name .How?|||usually you would need to call whoever you obtained the business licence from and they will tell you how.. all states and countries are different the best answer will come from a local %26quot;code enforcement type%26quot; deal. most likely being the place you got your licence from in the first place

When I send an email it says from (my name) but I want it to say from (my business name) How do I change it?

Go to %26quot;Options%26quot; on the right side of your email page

Click on %26quot;Mail Options%26quot;

Click on %26quot;General Preferences%26quot;

Go down to %26quot;Name and Email%26quot;

Go to From name:

Enter the name you want to show

Click on “Save”

Hope this Helps!!!

|||Do you use MS Outlook or a web based email?

How can i find out if someone else has the same name of my business?

I do not want to get in trouble. I am renewal my business license and I am goint to change my business name . I am in SC . where do i need to check? if someone else has the same name?

thank you

please be very specific what exactly i need to do.|||%26quot;Assumed name%26quot; registration often starts at the county clerk%26#039;s office.|||check the yellow pages online, and city hall or the state department|||I used Yahoo Search with the words

South Carolina register business

and found some links for you to study:

South Carolina Business One Stop or SCBOS is the official state web portal for anyone with a business or starting a business in South Carolina who needs to file permits, licenses, registrations, or taxes with the state.鈥?/a>

It is your responsibility to determine and obtain all licenses, permits and registrations necessary for you to start and maintain your business. We do not make the absolute guarantee that this information is complete and accurate.鈥?/a>

Licenses, Permits, and Regulations

While you can look up your new business name to see if it is registered in South Carolina, that won%26#039;t help you if the business name is already registered in another state but not in South Carolina. You do not want someone suing you for trademark infringement. So you need to look up the business name to see if it is already taken.

US Patent and Trademark Office

The page about trademarks:鈥?/a>

This site is interesting, but they want to charge you for registering a trademark.


How do i find a school that is longer in business or changed name from original name of business?

the school was called temple school of business on colesville rd, silver spring, md. if you have heard of medix school it was similiar to that ut it had clericial and medical training ie nurses aide, lab tech, medical assistant and medical office secretary training this school was there in the 80%26#039;s|||Go to the Rhode Island Higher Learning Commission. RI Board of Higher Education, might be another name. Query it on the internet. My guess is that it is totally defunct and that all records are gone -- or, it was bought out by a larger school that keeps the records in deep storage, somewhere.

How do I change the Iphone contact list to sort by Business name?

I need to be able to search for business in my iphone. How do I change the contacts to list as business or at least let me search by business name?|||pc suite can help you do that, you can add the contacts into the business group via pc suite you can even set the different for them

you can download pc suite for iphone at for free

Changing business LLC name?

I%26#039;ve changed the name of my LLC company with my state. Do i have to file separate name change forms for Federal also? How about the IRS?|||Since an LLC is not recognized by the IRS, you need to check how to change the name for the type of return filed.

How do I go about in registering a car under my business name?

I am currently leasing a vehicle from GM and it%26#039;s currently registered under my name. Can I change it to my business name? What is the process? Do I need to call GM?|||call gm and tell them to add your bussiness name on the title.

they have to do it since you dont have the title.|||You will have to call your lender to get approval to change the name. They probably have the title and you can%26#039;t change the name unless you have title.

Changing Legal Business Name on Business Credit Reports?

I want to change my corporate name to better suite my business and wanted to find out how to go about changing the info on credit reports for my business so I dont lose my business credit along the way|||The main credit reporting agency for businesses is Dun %26amp; Bradstreet. That is the firm to call or Email to learn how to make this change.

Their link is below. You%26#039;ll see a %26quot;contact us%26quot; link on the home page to speak with a representative.

Shirley George Frazier

Author and Small Business Expert

Name change?

Has anyone in an established business decided to change their business name? If so, how do you go about doing that after you have purchased your city and state license?

Next, question after you have established yourself in the academic and professional world has anyone legally changed their name? If so, was adaptation difficult, was the process difficult?|||I would suggest just to start a new business instead of changing the name, less paperwork. Also, never have your name in the name if the business in case you want to sell it.

Name Change?

Has anyone in an established business decided to change their business name? If so, how do you go about doing that after you have purchased your city and state license?

Next, question after you have established yourself in the academic and professional world has anyone legally changed their name? If so, was adaptation difficult, was the process difficult?|||for your business name,go back to DTI and file a new business name again|||Not a difficult procedure at all. Particularly if your Business is a proprietary, you just need to inform the local authorities.

Other wise, a bit longer process. Apart from informing the local authorities, you are expected to publish the same in local news papers.

If yours is a Public Limited Company, you are expected to discuss the same in %26quot; Board of Directors %26quot; meeting, then to inform all share holders and have get their consent, and then approach the Stock Exchange and Local Authorities, followed by the publication of change at prominent National News Papers.

In the present day where lot of %26quot; take over %26quot; happening, change of name is very common.

How to change name displayed on email?

I have a business email acct - when I send an email it shows my name and I want it to show my business%26#039; name.|||You%26#039;ll have to go in (to that business account) and change the %26quot;from line%26quot; setting.

This is the NEW WAY to change the %26quot;from line%26quot; setting----the old way is no longer available.

This works the same on both versions---either Classic or New Mail.

Mail page%26gt;%26gt;options%26gt;%26gt;mail options (or %26quot;more options%26quot; on the New Mail)%26gt;%26gt;Accounts (from the list on the left)%26gt;%26gt;then click on %26quot;Yahoo Mail%26quot; (middle of page, under %26quot;Accounts%26quot;).

Now you%26#039;ll need to erase whatever is showing, on the %26quot;From line%26quot; and type in something else---your business name---or anything you want-----then click %26quot;save%26quot; changes at the top of page.


You CAN%26#039;T leave that line blank---otherwise Yahoo WILL insert something there, that you might not want. (sometimes the word False)


Some people say you have to log out and then back in, for the changes to be effective----but others say %26quot;not necessary%26quot;-----maybe it depends on your setup ??|||Yahoo has updated the method, but here it is.


1. Click Options, More Options or Mail Options.

2. From the list on the left, click %26quot;Accounts.%26quot;

3. Click %26quot;Add or Edit an Account%26quot; It%26#039;s toward the middle of the page.

4. In the box on the left, click Yahoo Mail.

5. Click Edit.

6. In the %26quot;From Name%26quot; box, enter the name you would like displayed in the From box.

7. Click the Save button/icon to put your settings into effect.

PLEASE NOTE: The From Name field cannot contain special characters like the @ symbol. Also, the address in %26quot;Reply To%26quot; cannot exceed 40 characters.

How do I change the name of my Ohio S-Corporation?

It has been a dormant company for several years with no employees, and I have just moved to Arizona and want to start a new business here. In order for me to register as a %26quot;foreign%26quot; corporation in AZ, I need to provide updated info on the OH corp. All the IRS requires is a check-mark and the new business name, but I%26#039;m sure the state of Ohio wants more.|||I am in AZ; i will help you.

THERE IS no reason to start off as

an LLC or corp; start off instead as

a proprietorship.

back to your query; it is a mechanical thing

and it takes a filing fee and a listing

in a local newspaper for 4 weeks.


Recently bought a business ..Can anyone tell me what taxes, licenses, I need to get and how to change name?

My husband bought a business and I want to make sure everything is done right.. I really dont know much about it. I need to know the correct way to change the name of the store what license I need to legally operate , and how do i go about the taxes .

Any info or web site will help Im lost! THANKS!!!!|||There is a website that our lawyer told us about. You can purchase books on any topic for operating a business. It is Go to your city offices and go to the licensing bureau. Our city charges per estimated amount of earnings in a year. By all means hire an accountant. He can tell you about state and federal taxes. He also can tell you how to properly file for a tax id numbe. I do all the work during the year, such as filing the quarterly wage reports and the monthly payroll tax deposits. He just does the annual tax reporting. I use Quickbooks Pro computer program, it handles anything from invoicing to tax statements and paying payroll. Do need to pay an annual fee for payroll service, but it keeps you updated on all tax changes and monitors taxes very well. To change a name, you need to file a fictious business name statement with the local paper. It is then printed in the newspaper, to basically see if anyone else has a business name that is similar and they might not want you to run a business with the name you have chosen. We joined our local chamber of commerce, they offer resources that can help with any questions or needs that you have. Plus they supply us with federal required employee posters. Also contact your local insurance agent to get general liability insurance|||If you have a local Small Business Administration office they can help quite a bit. Also, go to your City Business Licensing office and inquire specifically about your type of business. There are so many different regs out there for specific business types and different cities.

I believe when I changed the name of our business I had to do that with the Secretary of the State. (wow - its been a long time, so don%26#039;t hold me to it.) They will do a search to make sure it isn%26#039;t already taken.

Hire a CPA for the taxes. Best thing we ever did. Also, a CPA will have a pretty good idea about what you will need and should be able to offer you good info in getting set up.

You will have to post the federal and state tax posters. They can be printed online on regular paper. You will get mail from companies stating you are in violation of the federal poster law. Ignore them. They are only trying to sell you posters!

As a small business owner I would also highly recommend having a payroll service handle your payroll. This way they can file all your taxes and they make sure you are compliant. I wouldn%26#039;t have it any other way.

If you have employees and need a lot of help in the human resource part of your business I recently tripped up on a site They do have an annual fee - but have provided me with a wealth of information - you can also view the site as a guest for 1 month free I think. It has been great for us.

Good luck to you!!!

How do I change my name that shows up as the sender?

My friend signed us up for a business email address on her computer through Yahoo - now every email that is sent has her name and not the business name. How can we change it to say what we want?|||You can change just the email sender name and not the entire contact info name by selecting %26quot;Options%26quot; on the right hand side of the first page you see after signing in to Yahoo! mail. Under the Management section, choose %26quot;General Preferences%26quot;. You can change the name on outgoing emails in here.|||Try this:

Click the %26quot;My Account%26quot; link at the top of your mail account, click %26quot;Edit%26quot; link on the right side next to Member Information. The option should be on that page. Good luck!|||I tried the Yahoo! nickname thing. Don%26#039;t know if it works.

How do I change the Welcome name on the business account we have?

The account was opened by a Jennifer (who no longer works here) and we continue to use the e-mail address as our business e-mail. We would like to change the name to our currrrent director, Stephen Brooks.

Thank you.|||ok why dont you go to the accoutn details and then you easily can change them and all the personal details and stuff as well you should be able to find it in options

How to change my existing domain name?

I have changed names of business. Need to change domain name. Will cancel domain if i cannot change the name.|||You can not change registered domain names. You will have to register a new name and direct it to your website. If your customers are using the existing name you should consider keeping and using that name also so you don%26#039;t loose existing customers.|||register a new name, and do not renew the old one.|||go to renew name and than you well change it|||Just register a new domain name and forward the old name to the new one|||U should keep old domain name, but park it to your new one.

U register a new domain

Set up hosting account

Park old domain, so visitors who know your domain will be automatically redirected to new one ;)

For more info u can contact me at:

I want to close a business name and open it in another name. How do I proceed with this?

I have a contracting business listed in ocean county NJ... I now reside in union county and i think I have to re-list the name in the county you are doing business in??? I also want to change the name of the business too, but i don%26#039;t know how to proceed. I have a sub %26quot;S%26quot; corp and want to change to an LLC... Is this simple or a real pain in the you know what?????|||here you go it got everything :)鈥?/a>

How do I change the name of my business?

I%26#039;ve revamped my photography business and now want to change the name.|||Depends how large scale it is, if alot of people know what its called you may have to do promotions, letting people know that its going to change.

How do you go about changing a family owned business name? What actions would you need to take?

It is a chriopractic, family owned business. What actions would need to be taken to change the name of the business? For example do we contact the banks? Do we need the %26quot;city%26#039;s%26quot; permission? Thank you for the help!|||You would have to do it through the court system. You would need an attorney. The attorney would send the neccessary letters to the banks and other people you do business with.

How do I Edit my home address on paypal? I just want to change the business name in the address. Thanks?

When you log onto your paypal account, there should be a section that says personal information, then from there it should prompt you do delete or edit.

How do I change my paypal name to a business name?

When I sell things and people pay me through paypal, they can see my name %26quot;Example: John Smith%26quot;, but my friend was smart and set his account up under his business name %26quot;Smith Enterprises%26quot;. How can I change this now? I dont want my personal name out there anymore, I want my customers to see my businesses name now.|||Creating a new account might be your best bet because you are unable to change the name on a PayPal account to a different name. They%26#039;ll allow you to open a new account.

You can make a minor name change on your PayPal account if you registered using a nickname, a fictitious name, or made a typographical error.

If are eligible to change your name, you can contact PayPal regarding this by logging in and then going to鈥?/a> I think this link will work; otherwise contact them and tell them you want to make a name change in your Account Profile.

If you get stuck and you don%26#039;t get the answer you need from Yahoo! Answers, here%26#039;s PayPal%26#039;s address.

PayPal Headquarters

eBay Park North

2211 North First Street

San Jose, CA 95131|||upgrade from personal account to a business account.|||you could open another paypal account

I have two: one to sell things and one to buy them|||Hi , I%26#039;m Affraid to say that there is no way , It%26#039;s Impossible To change The name on Paypal Calll Support !!

I want to change my business name. It's a sole proprietorship, just me... just want to change the name...?

I%26#039;m stumped. just trying to figure this out tonight. I operate my little jewelry-making business under one name, but I want to change it now. And I don%26#039;t know how. Do I just go through the same steps I went through before? Or will I just get twice as much paperwork come the end of the year? How do I change the name? Is there a form? please help. thanks.|||run a name change through the state business office. (and write a letter to the feds) it%26#039;s really not hard.

How do I change my EIN business name?

I have a sole proprietor and I want to change my business name. Can I just start a different dba with the same EIN?|||~~If you are just changing names go and there will be a form you complete. Just be sure your new DBA is available before you file for the name change.~~

How do I change the name of my LLC business name?

Are there any forms I need to fill out?|||Yes, usually you just need to request a name change with the state you filed your LLC in. It is usaully a very simple process, though may require you resubmit your articles of organization with a new name... And of course pay a fee, what can we do with the state that we don%26#039;t pay for anymore.|||Contact your local Chambers of Commerce. You will have to get a new DBA

How do I change name and phone number which appear on Yahoo map?

When we type in our address for direction in Yahoo map, previous owner %26#039;s business name and phone numbers appear. How do we change these to ours?|||What do you mean by the previous owner%26#039;s business name? Are you on a shared computer? Or do you mean when you do multiple searches? Try clearing the cache on the computer.

Also, on Y! Maps, under the first address box, you can check the box that says %26quot;Make this my default Yahoo! location.%26quot; and that should take care of it.

How do I change my business name?

I made a very poor choice in my business name. I desperately need to change it. I have an S-Corp incorporated in Indiana. I have yet to file my first taxes.|||State dept of Revenue i think .


DANIEL%26amp;STANICE BARBER SHOP CHANGED NAMES TO KRAYZ KUTS B%26amp;B SHOP|||OK, your question is what? Not sure what you are looking for

How do I notify IRS of a Non-Profit business name change?

How do I notify IRS of a Non-Profit business name change for the EIN to update to the new business name? Also how do I change the deeds to the new name as well?|||Form zero, blank paper. Send a letter stating the organization has changed its name. Include a copy of the corporate resolution authorizing the change.

How to complain about a business name change to city?

Hi, a business recently changed their name that could greatly affect my own business, is there any way to complain to the city about this, and get the name changed back to the original name?

Thank you.|||You might check with your state licensing department for duplication. You may have first right to the name and names similar that would infringe on your business. A letter from your attorney would shed some light on this too. Just don%26#039;t over-react. Maybe there is benefit in this.|||You need to take them to court, it is not a city issue.

How can I legally change my business name?

I have a business, it%26#039;s a sole proprietor. I want to change the name of my business because when I first picked the name it was before we started actually doing business. Now that we are in business I need to change the name. How can I do so? Because I have been using the name that I want as %26quot;DBA%26quot; (Doing Business As). Can someone help.|||Since you are a sole proprietor, there is really nothing to do but change your name! If you were a LLP, RLLP, LLC or INC, there would be plenty to do. As a SP or a GP you are personally liable for a business debts and liabilities. Aside from putting a new DBA or TA on a checking account and advising your contacts, you would need to update your business license and sales and use tax ID if you have one. Unless you have employees, or are a GP etc., you probably don%26#039;t have an EIN, so that wouldn%26#039;t be an issue. May suggest you consider creating an LLC? A good book on the subject is %26quot;LLC or Corporation?%26quot; by Anthony Mancuso, a NOLO publication. You can find it on Amazon too.|||So, is the old name plastered all over the place? Do you have stacks of business cards and stationary? Do you have a formal telephone listing under the old name?

Regardless (There is no such word as irregardless), one major benefit of the DBA form of business is its simplicity. You just have new signs, business cards, etc., printed up with the new name. It is as simple as that. On your schedule C, report the new name when you file your next return.

Don%26#039;t make it more complicated than it needs to be. Make the change as necessary, then go out and make more money!|||

But I%26#039;m not sure how much they charge.

Check with the Office of State Comptroller in your state and see if they can send you the proper forms for a DBA(Doing Business As).