hi all. i am adopting a cute lil african kid and was hoping i could change his name since he is ony about 12 years old. i wanted to call him my hubbys name but junior. My hubbys name is Neil Nathan Robert Sukkitt. All his business cards say Neil N. Bob Sukkitt. Can we simply add Jr. to the end of this name since this is how our town knows my hubby already? Mine name is Missy by the way.
Need babby name suggestions!?
Hi Missy Sukkit,
My name is Byron Jobb. I had a similar situation as yours and we decided the best thing to do is let him keep his birth name.
Rhimm says hello.
Need babby name suggestions!?
I smell a troll. Changing a child's name at age 12 would be hard for the kid.
No, kids hate being named after their fathers. I'm sure the boy really wouldn't like his name to be changed to the same thing as a person who isn't even his father, especially if you guys are different races. It may make him uncomfortable. He'll already have a lot of stress and I honestly think a legal name change would just make it way worse and more confusing for him. He's only 12, give him a break.
If he's twelve, I would let him keep his name the same. When I was twelve, I sure wouldn't have wanted my name changed, let alone being put into a new family who I know nothing about, in a different country...
so that was just pretty gay? lol you prolly like to watch neil n bob suck it.. better yet you prolly help :)
well if bob n neil r suckin it thats pretty gay to me and your name broke college kid sounds to me like you yourself are a guy
.. and btw i was saying your question was gay
I really don't think that you should change his name. Honestly...the kid is 12 YEARS OLD!!! He may still be a child, but he is almost a teenager. You have no right to take away his identity because you are adopting him. I am sorry if i sound a little rude, but i do not think that it is right or logical to change his name!!!
Okay, people. Carefully re-read the name on the %26quot;business card%26quot; and you'll see this is a hoax. Don't egg this jerk on.
you cant change its name at 12 yr. old but if you do change it greg. See me and my husban are gay and we can only adopt so we are adopting a chinease baby and named Chin~Chin~Ye~Jusa~Wang Jr. But we are going to change it to Greg
DONT CHANGE THE KIDS NAME!!!!!!! think about it... if you have been named Missy all your life and then some stranger comes along and says ur name is Haley now... that would suck! Let him keep the name he was born with!
i think you are kidding but in case you are not NO !!!
a 12 year old already has a name it would be cruel to change his name.you can have a special nick name for him but he should keep his name.if he wants to change it later in life that should be his choice.good luck!
Your a broke college kid but yet you can afford a 12 year old? uhm yeah sure i beleve you.
ONLY 12...Wow....
My son is Already 12...
There is no way that he would let me change his name or be ok with it.
I guess to change part of a name is ok........BUT
The whole thing with all the changes in his life.......
I just could not do it and I don't really think you should either.
I like the name....If it was given much earlier in life.....
if you wont to change the shilds name thats up 2 you. but if it was me i would not change it since he is already 12.
Why would you change the kids name at 12? And i highly doubt your name is missy and your last name is sukkitt. You sound like some freaking 10 year old at a birthday party trying to be funny. Hubby? lil? Yeah, don't try and tell me you're an adult.
Kneel N. Bob Suck It sounds like a wonderful name. You could always use the 2nd instead of jr.
yes! change it. that kid should get on his knees and thank the heavens above he is being adopted by you and your hubby. good luck on your new family!
Great idea. just adding the Jr. to his name would be so classy.
I love it! He will be so excited to be a part of the family that he will proudly be Neal N. Bob Sukkit Jr. I named my adopted daughter after my mom Eima Whore.
You should use Neil N. Bob Sukkitt II.
Oh, that's great! I have a 12 year old too, and I change her name weekly just to keep her on her toes.
Hmm...well I really like just plain Jr. It just screams upper crust and is downright classy. Perfect! What a suckin good family!