some one have made a card for me n now i want to change the name of the company on the card(business card). i scan it to the computer to change the name,how do i go about doing that?
How do i use graphics design on my computer?
First-of-all i assume you are not going against law.
Well, you can try many DTP software available in market. Say Adobe Photo paint, Adobe Corel draw or you can try with MS-Paint also.
Alternatively, you can try online softwares like picassa.
Hope this helps
How do i use graphics design on my computer?
Well the card was made in some program. So when you scan it in it is just a picture on your computer rather than the original file that you can edit in the program that it was created in. If you have photoshop or adobe illustrator you could fake it out by erasing it or painting over it but the quality would probably suffer. I would try to track down who made the card to change it or just start from scratch and make a new one.