Wednesday, 26 October 2011

How much longer before the Republican Party does like Blackwater USA or AIG?

The Republican name is a toxic liability....will they do like Blackwater and change their name to The Xe Party so that people will not identify them with the Republican name which is losing them support by the thousands?

Not sure if AIG has changed name yet but I read that they most definately would because people will not want to do business with or associate with the company as long as their name invokes negative thoughts in people's minds just as the word %26quot;Republican%26quot; now does.

So how long until we get The Xe Party....before the 2012 election or after losing the 2012 election?
How much longer before the Republican Party does like Blackwater USA or AIG?
A leopard don't lose it's spots. A new name won't help them.
How much longer before the Republican Party does like Blackwater USA or AIG?
Why are you worried about us?

Because we are tossing Communist moles out.

That bothers you?
You do realize that after Nixon, Dems elected Carter. Then Republicans took the White House for 8 years. Which is exactly what will happen after 4 years of Obama.
Like I said, BO wants to be the POTUS from now on, so end of discussion.
Just name it the %26quot;tax revolt%26quot; party and they might win some more congressional seats in 2010.
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