Friday, 7 October 2011

Changing back to maiden name but NOT getting divorced?

I changed my name with the DMV and the passport office in Massachusetts five years ago when I was married. I didn't change it with the Social Security office as i didn't realise I had to.

For business reasons I've decided to revert back to my maiden name but I'm unsure as to how to do this. To add to the complexity, I've lived outside of the country for nearly ten years and now live in Switzerland (so quick trips to the RMV are not possible).

My MA driver's license expires on 1 Sept 2009 and they won't let me renew with married name unless I change first with SS office - but the SS office has on record my maiden name which I want to keep.

I've signed Power of Attorney for my mother to handle all local visits for me but don't want to have her running around and waiting in long lines unless I know where to point her.

Any ideas? Can my mother go straight to DMV with my form and change back to maiden (since SS still has this on record)?

many thanks for any tips.

Changing back to maiden name but NOT getting divorced?
Would it be dodging the question to point out that if you've lived outside the US for ten years, you really shouldn't have a current MA drivers license? They are for residents of the state only.

But putting that point aside, let's clarify one point. Do you want to revert to your maiden name is all aspects of your life, or just professionally?

If it's the former, than go for it.

Rules vary by state. Usually there's a streamlined procedure for changing your name for marriage. But otherwise, it can only be done by court petition. The idea is to satisfy the court that you're not changing your name to avoid debts or legal action.

Have your mother ask at the local courthouse. They have the forms on hand. Also have her ask the clerk whether they will accept a sworn affidavit from you, since you're out of the country, rather than have you appear in person.
Changing back to maiden name but NOT getting divorced?
Call the DMV and ask them what to do. You may need to get a new drivers license and they will need to take your picture. It's not really something your mom can do for you.
Why not contact the US consulate in Switzerland, they will be able to give you the best advice so yr Mom's not running around like a headless chook from one Dept to another. If the US Govt. is like the Aust. Govt. when it comes to paper work I know how difficult supposedly simple things can be made due to red tape.

Another thought what about applying for an International Driving Licence?