Wednesday, 26 October 2011

I'm getting married this Saturday, and would like to know the process of changing my last name, how is it?

So, after I get married, what is the process of changing all my papers to my husbands last name? Do I change my license, or wait till it expires? How about my information at my bank? I can easily change my personal account, however in my fathers business account I am there as well, since I'm the one that signs the checks, so I keep it like that, or go to the bank to sign it with my new last name? How about social security? Medical card?
I'm getting married this Saturday, and would like to know the process of changing my last name, how is it?
Hi Jess, I just got married last Saturday (congrats to you) and I'm in the process of changing my papers too. It's a lot of paperwork, but it's also a lot of fun! You won't believe how easy it is to 'assume' a new name without having to show proof. To change my social security card I just had to go to the local administration office and change it, no charge, but I did have to bring in the ORIGINAL marriage license, they won't accept a copy. The card will arrive in 7-10 days but in the mean time I was given a receipt that shows I went and shows my new name. I used that receipt to change my information at work with HR and Payroll and that changed my email address, etc. For my driver's license, I'm waiting until I move since I'll soon have a new address anyway. But that can all be done either by going to your local DMV or messenger service where you'll receive a new license the same day with your new information. For the bank, I'm sure you'll have to take your marriage license and social security receipt with you to make those changes. I would put the business in your married name too, so everything is legal and accurate. Those are the things I'm doing in my state - Pennsylvania - but you should check with the Register of Wills in your state to find out the correct procedures for name changing. I found a lot of information on my county's website, so try checking that too. Good luck and congrats again!
I'm getting married this Saturday, and would like to know the process of changing my last name, how is it?
call ur local courthouse
You should have done most of that when you got your marrage license. I think the only thing you can't change is your social security.
you need your drivers lisense and your marriage certificate for most of it. oh and the marrige certificate has to be certified by the clerks office.
Take your marriage certificate to DMV and they will change you name on your license and you could later change your other documents the same way.
you need to take your marriage certificate to the DMV and change your license. Then request a name change on your social security card. Then notify all your credit cards etc....How do you do it? Start making phone calls.
I changed everything when I got married. It makes things more complicated when you still have your old name on some, and your new name on others.

All you need is your marriage license, and it shouldn't take too long at your bank.

When you change your license, you need to show your birth certificate and marriage license and it's not a long process. You'll be better off changing it all at once.
In the U.S., there is no specific pattern or path to change your name. Probably the easiest is to start with your Social Security Card, since it is a Federal Government issued document. That will make it easier to demonstrate the name change to banks, DMV, etc.
deppends what the new last name is
you sign checks for your fathers business and don't know these answers.give me a break!
as for the person that says you can't change your social security...yes you do...the number doesn't change, but you do change your name on it and get a new card
all you need todo is take your marrage liscence with you to make a name change but do it soon after you get married
First you will need to get the original marriage certificate from the courts. You will provide this information to anyone to show them you have changed your name. I would start with your license first. Go down to the dmv show them your marriage certificate and turn in your current license. They will then give you a new license with your new last name. This will not cost you anything. Next you need to go to the social security office and show them the marriage cert. and they will send you a new social security card in the mail...they will give you a temporary one there. Then you will go to the bank and wherever else...and show them your certificate and they will also change it. You should also notify your car lenders, loans, etc and fax a copy to them. Its a lenghty annoying process and will take a while. But that will get you started

Good Luck
Ok, I just got done doing all of this. You have to go to the Social Security office first. You bring your marriage certificate, ss card %26amp; current ID. Then you change your license, and filter down thru everything else (bank, credit cards, bills etc) But you have to go to the social security office first. And you will want to change your name on anything that you would need your ID for ie: bank, credit card, insurance (i didn't change alot of my bills like water %26amp; electric cause it really doesn't matter) it's a long process! Good luck %26amp; congratulations!!
After i got marrie i took my marriage licence to the court house myself (some people let the pastors do it) but i took it to the court house and dropped it off then i went to run some arrands and came back to get it. I took my signed and certified marriage licence to the divison of drivers licence and they changed my name. Then i took it to the socail security office to have it changed there too. Then i went to my bank to have it changed there.
I got married 9 years ago the 29th of this month. All I did is went to the Social Security office and showed then my marriage license and they did most of the paper work then after they gave me the papers they had I went straight to the DMV and got my new license. It is a very simple process. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
For SS card you just send in a copy of you marriage license and a name change request. For your medical just have them change the name and have a copy of ML for them if they request it. For driver's license take a copy into you local agency and get a new license. As for the business let the bank know you need to change the signature card as you are now married and need to change the name. All of this is really very easy to do. Congrats on the marriage.
Consider not doing it.

The process is different for every different organization

you're talking about. The most important is probably

social security, but if you have any outstanding loans,

checking accounts, credit cards, etc, it is very painful.

You'll end up providing people with copies of your

birth certificate and your marriage license. Some

will require originals.

Seriously. Consider not doing it.

I know people who lived in two-name hell for

at least 2 months.
You must take your marriage certificate and change your drivers license, Social Security card, bank information and get new checks. After you notify your medical insurance you will have to fill out new papers, and your medical coverage may be changed so make you sure what the deal is before you need to use it. They will send you a new card with your new name after they receive the paper work. You can not legally keep your maiden name on your fathers business account although many people do for years and I have never heard anyone being carted off to jail. The first time you sign a legal document (such as a check) your name has been legally changed and there is no flipping back.
Yuck! I almost didn't want to put my answer near that weirdo that answered first! But yes you go to the SS office and request a new card. As for drivers license, when you get your new SS card, you can go to DMV and switch it when you renew your DL. I would just let the bank know your name has changed and ask them what the procedure is for changing it in the business account. Also make sure your mail gets directed to the new address correctly. And any bills or other important accounts, so they won't get lost in the mail. CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND TO BE!!!!
your name has to be changed on everything!

you have to get a new license, once your name is changed that's your daily proof that you're that person. you can't wait until it expires.

you have to get a new social security card. you number will not change, but your name has to.

in terms of banks. usually most banks require that you show your marriage license to prove your marriage occurred and you are now have this name. you have to change your name on all accounts! and you can't just sign your new name until the bank has changed it in their system because until they change it, technically they don't know that person and will not clear a check with that signature on it. (i used to be a bank teller and it was the biggest pain because people would come in w/o their license but with checks made to mr and mrs. and we didn't have proof that's who she was now so we wouldn't clear the checks!)

you're really just going to have to basically change your name on every little thing. it's a b***h huh? i've just found this all out myself and i'm getting married in june so i'm prepping myself now!

The very first thing you have to do is what until you have a certified copy of your marriage license. In CT - the minister, JP, etc has to send it to the town hall, town clerk, and it has to be certified or signed off on, etc. Usually in about a week you can get your certified copy. Then the next thing to do is your SS card. The SS office should give you a copy of an afidavit or something thatyou can use as a temp ss card while you wait for your replacement. The next thing is your license - this is just a wait at the dmv if you have your marriage certificate and your temp ss card. After you have your license and temp ss card you can go from there with whatever you desire.
Your name automatically changes when you say I do. All you have to do is take your marriage license to wherever you want your name changed . Ask your Father since it is his business if he wants you to change your name on his account or keep it like it is, you change where you are involved in your personal life. Now, Medicaid is different you have to give them your new name and the amount of money your husband and yourself make together. More than likely your benefits will be cut off of medicaid because they barely give anyone enough allowable money to start with, if you both work salaries will probably make you lose your medicaid benefits. You have to tell them at Medicaid because they will find out and you'll end up paying all the money back that they spent on you from the day you married. I have never had medicaid but I have friend that does and she tried to hide and they pull a update on your social security number and when your husbands salary come on , your benefits stop and don't try to fool them because they will always catch you, that is Federal Government .