Wednesday, 26 October 2011

If KFC changed its name to Kentucky Fried Vulture, but?

kept its menu the same, how would that impact their business?
If KFC changed its name to Kentucky Fried Vulture, but?
It would be a federal offense. Vultures are a protected species. However, if the customer was expecting vulture and got chicken, it would violate the truth in advertising law.
If KFC changed its name to Kentucky Fried Vulture, but?
I imagine that their business would take a hit. Very few people have a positive association with vultures.
What are you, four? That is something my daughter would say. Obviously that would never happen.
Depends on what vulture tastes like? If it's good, people would be pissed that they were promised delicious vulture but got crappy chicken. And if it's awful, people wouldn't eat there anymore because they don't want to take a chance on eating awful vulture when they order some delicious chicken.
As long as vultures are corn fed like their chicken and KFC successfully reposition vultures as new chicken, they would sell.