Friday 16 September 2011

Ok, this question is for military wives!!! I got married yesterday, finally! I need to know how to change my?

name properly and my main question is, do I have to do all my name change business and then go get my military id and all that good stuff? We also want to file for on-post housing, do I have to do my name change before that also?
Ok, this question is for military wives!!! I got married yesterday, finally! I need to know how to change my?
To have it legally changed you'll have to go to the social security office. I believe you must have your marriage certificate with you.

I honestly don't remember what I did for my driver's license.

And for the military I think I only needed our marriage license as well.

You will have to be enrolled as a spouse before they'll grant you housing, but you can be put on the list very easily. It'll take you less than a day to get it all done (meaning ID card and everything.)

You'll get your military ID as soon as you get enrolled in DEERS. It's an instant thing.

Don't forget to go to Tricare and get enrolled in Tricare Prime.

They don't care if you change your name or not, I did not change my name for almost a year. But we did have to show our marriage license.
Ok, this question is for military wives!!! I got married yesterday, finally! I need to know how to change my?
My husband used our marriage certified marriage certificate to sign us up for housing, and then why he did that I worked on changing my name. You can't do anything without your offical certificate of marriage. Then you can change you ss card, drivers license, and get your military id. Best of luck to you!
Your name should have changed when u were married, if you are talking about your name on your social security card then go get it changed ASAP, but as far as that goes you dont need it changed to sign for housing and get your I.D. card, your husband will have to be with you and you will need your birth certificate, marriage license, social security card. He will need a copy of his orders for housing. Good Luck %26amp; Congrats!!
Go thru his s-1 and get the paperwork to on his LES, (his paper that says how much he got paid each month) you need to get the paperwork to add you as his spouce, forgot what it is call. You need to do this as soon as possible, because on post housing is a waiting list and you want to get on th elist as soon as possible. Some waiting lists can be two years. You need to get an 1172 (I think that the deers form #) for the ID card form. To get on post faster without a car inspection, you will need an ID card, if you want to get into the commisary and PX, you will need an ID card. So you will need a name change as well.
I had my name changed at the id card facility. Then later I got my name changed on my social security card. I don't think you have to get your name changed yet to get the housing. I think it's up to your hubby to do all the paperwork filing you as a dependant. I left everything up to my hubby when it came to the housing. I just signed where he told me to lol.
You got married yesterday and you're here on Yahoo Questions and Answers today already looking for %26quot;your%26quot; benefits?

Geeeeeesh, and I thought my ex was horrible!
You don't have to change ss card first. With the marriage cert he can request to be put on the housing list and get you an ID card. Don't forget to have him update DEERS so you can be enrolled in Tricare. He may also want to update SGLI and issue a Durable Power of Attorney and if he has a Will that may need to be updated also. If he has a security clearance it may be suspended while he updates your information as his spouse. If you have your own vehicle you will want to register it on post. And always remember once you make 10 years with him in service if you divorce and he retires %26quot;YOU GET HALF%26quot; Just joking. God Bless you. It takes a special kind of woman to marry a man in service.

Army Vet, Army Spouse, Army Recruiters Wife
The military will allow you to get your ID with your marriage certificate. I am not sure of the housing, we have never lived on base. Congratulations on your marriage and welcome to the military wives club