Ho w to find an old friend?
Think and try remember their first and last name. This is your starting point. The last name may be tricky in some situations, as they might be married, divorced, or adopted and have changed it since you last saw them. They might be certain people that have paid to legally change their first and last names with the government, as this route would be impossible to track down only using the bare essentials of finding someone.
Search on Classmates.com. You'll never know who registers on the site. Just be aware that in order to search, you might need to register for your own account, Step #1 may intertwine, as their display names can be also their newly last names, and you'll need to purchase a subscription if you want the sender to read your messages (vice versa).
Get in contact with other people that knew the specific person you're searching for. Ask them questions about when they've last seen them, talked to them, or any personal information like last known email addresses or phone numbers. Just be advised that they might not give such information out, due to (the friend's) preference.
Browse on Myspace to see if they hold an account. You can search by school, name, or email address. Browsing can be filtered by age groups, height, number of kids, gender, distance of postal code areas, and other useful information.
Ho w to find an old friend?
myspace, facebook, oldclassmate website
Do you have any friends in common? Try to contact them.
Try to contact other group homes in the area that are dealing with mental health i am sure that they would know what happened to that group or under what name they go now or maybe they evn know the person that you are looking for but i suggest you look for the name of the group and what happened to them, make up a story like they did something great for a familly member or something and that you want to see what you can do to contribute to this group and they will help you find them, i could probably help you too but you have not listed that much information