I want to change my name to a business name
i have a premier account
should i just get a business account but I need to use the same bank account and credit card as i have on the premier
I am going to be using my website as my business name
whats my best choice thanks
How can I do this on Paypal?
It is better to continue using your personal name , bank account and Paypal account details should match . From http://pa2.info
How can I do this on Paypal?
I'm trying to log onto my paypal account and tell you properly but, there is to much traffic so, I can't.
Log onto paypal and there should be a tab to click on where you can edit your name and address and you can change your name to a Business name and your address from there. And you can use the same bank account and credit card that you have, that makes no difference if you are going from a personal to a business account.