Friday 16 September 2011

How to Transfer Ownership of a Site to a New Owner in Yahoo! Small Business?

I am a partner in a small company with 2 other guys. We've decided to dissolve the partnership and I get to keep the name, logo, website, etc. We built a decent site and have it hosted by Y! small business. The 2 guys own other businesses and the site is hosted under their account and name. How do they physically transfer the ownership of the URL to me? I have my own Y! small business account set up.

I searched Answers but only found people needing to change name servers. Let me know if you have any insight. Thanks.
How to Transfer Ownership of a Site to a New Owner in Yahoo! Small Business?
Okay let me try again. First of all are you in good standings with the other 2? If so, Its simply a matter of finding your own web hosting site. You can use Yahoo if you choose. Once you have a hosting site, you should easily be able to copy the original to the new host. Then its simply a matter of transfering the domain name in the original account. Your original partners can do this easily in the account. I hope that makes sense! Make sure you have copies of the html and any files included with it.

P.S. dont confuse the domain name with the actual url of the site. All a domain name does is direct someone to the actual URL where the page is stored. I.E. If you have your site stored at, the domain name simply sends the people to that url. Once the site is moved, its a matter of them simply dumping the files on the original. You may also have to reconfig the html links to your liking. Its not an easy task by any means! For instance, any email link would need to be redirected to an email thats afilliated with you. Any links that direct someone to them would have to be removed. I could probably be of more help if I saw the actual site.
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